3 tips to help your employees through redundancy

It’s an unfortunate fact, but many companies have been forced to consider redundancy for employees with the COVID-19 crisis causing a massive impact on businesses across the globe and hitting businesses large and small.

The big question as an employer is, if you are in this situation, what can you do to help your employees?

1. It’s never going to be easy, but that redundancy conversation is important. Breaking the news can be tough, and even for seasoned Managers you may tend to spend too long explaining your decision, or do the opposite and rush to be done with it as quickly as possible. Remember, be to the point, but be empathetic.

Being made redundant and going through redundancy affects also effects employees personal lives and their families. Take the time to choose your words carefully. Always act with kindness & respect, but don’t be overly personal ie, say “your role has been made redundant” as opposed to “you have been made redundant”.

2. Offer a professional reference. Being available for potential employers to call and speak to you is great, but go the extra mile and provide a written reference wherever possible. This shows to a potential employer that you thought highly enough of the employee to spend the extra time on them, validates their CV and  points out their specific strengths.

3. Choose a local Outplacement provider you can trust. Outplacement is a great way to drastically reduce the time your employees spend looking for a new job, it can help alleviate some of their stress (and yours).  Pricing can start from as little as $1000 per person and is often invaluable to the employees, but make sure you choose carefully.

A good Outplacement provider will have one-on-one coaching, ongoing support, professional affiliations in Career Management and a passion for what they do. Check how many sessions/hours are provided and the course content that is offered. Entrust your employees to a company/persons that care.

If you’d like advice on making Redundancies, or a quote for Outplacement Services for your company please get in touch with GetHired today.